Rates and Charges

Loans against securities come to you at attractive interest rates generally ranging from 10%-18%,p.a. based on your profile and the trends prevailing in the market. The rates may vary according to the product-variant.
Given below is the list of fees and charges applicable on availing loan against securities:
  • Loan Processing charge

    0.25%** to 1%

  • Pre-payment charge



  • PENAL / DEFAULT CHARGES: (To be charged in case of any failure to make timely payments)

    24% p.a. +GST (if applicable)

  • Cheque return charge:

    as per actuals.  



  • **GST and other government taxes, levies, etc. applicable as per the prevailing rates will be charged in addition to these charges.
  • Sale of security in the event of default. The brokerage and other charges as per actual.